Boris Balent
Croatian Association of Sport Psychologists, Croatia
Boris Balent currently works as a sport psychologist for top-level athletes and teams in Croatia. He has more than ten years experience working as a sport psychologist in football; building up a sport psychology support system at FC Dinamo Zagreb and FC Hajduk Split. Also, he was coordinator of psychological preparation at Croatian Football Federation and member of Medical team London 2012. Boris is the author of two sport psychology handbooks “Introduction to Sport Psychology: Handbook for coaches” and “Psychological knowledge and tools in sport practice”. One of his main areas of interest is a Mindset in sport, which is the main topic of his doctoral thesis.
Acceptance and adaptation to the new situation
Boris Balent
Croatian Association of Sport Psychologists, Croatia
Although COVID-19 situation compelled us to think more about what it means to have control over our lives and how can we really rely on some long term goals, this situation has drastically shown us the importance of fighting and also the importance of the ability to accept, the ability to let it go. Charles Darwin once said that the one that will survive at the end is not the strongest or smartest one, but the one capable to adapt to changes. Environment adaptation to new situation is very important in sport. Just think about disability to get over some mistake during the athletes’ performance or not to be able to overcome failure and to carry on afterwards. To be maximum focused on now, we have to accept the past moment first and to adopt to new situations in front of us. At this workshop we will learn how to be more functional while dealing with new situations which require to be able to let it go. In addition, we will learn which practical techniques we can use to be more functional and successful in those situations.